Mouse Brain Atlas
Our Arpiar Saunders has published his atlas of the mouse brain. Using single-cell sequencing, our lab unmasked the unique genetic signatures of more than 560 cell populations across nine brain regions. Here’s an article about the trials and tribulations of creating the study, as well as its implications for scientific research.

Evan Macosko wins the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award
Evan Macosko has received the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, a grant that funds high-risk, high-reward projects from early-career investigators. The proposed project must be deemed creative and high-impact, and since the investigator cannot have received a previous R01, preliminary data is optional. The New Innovators are considered to be […]

Clonal Hematopoiesis and Its Origins
Giulio Genovese has published a follow-up article to his initial 怎么连接外国网站 of a common precancerous condition. In 2014, we described a common pre-cancerous state, involving the clonal amplification of blood cells with somatic mutations, that is readily detected by DNA sequencing, is increasingly common as people age, and is associated with increased risk of blood cancer later in life. Now, we describe the inherited and acquired mutations that drive this precancerous condition. For more information, please check out: An HMS News article; A 怎么连接外国网站 article on heart disease; A feature in Science; A 如何连上外国网 article

Christina Usher Interviewed by the BBC
Christina Usher was interviewed by the BBC for an upcoming special, “The Truth About Carbs”. The interview covered what we currently know about the amylase gene and its impact on metabolism. See Christina’s paper in 手机怎么连接外国网 on amylase, from her Ph.D. work in the lab.

Fenna Krienen in Science
An article on the Science website describes Fenna’s research to map the brain – first cataloging long-range synaptic connections in the human brain (in Randy Buckner’s lab) and now analyzing the conservation of neuronal types and subtypes across species (in our lab).

The work of our Aswin Sekar et al. implicate excessive complement activity in the development of schizophrenia and may help explain the reduced numbers of synapses in the brains of individuals with schizophrenia. For more information, check out: An article in Harvard Magazine, featuring an image of C4 protein at synapses, which was taken by our Heather de Rivera; An article in the New Yorker; An article in the New York Times

Amnon Koren has won the NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, a grant that funds high-risk, high-reward projects from creative, budding scientists at the beginning of their careers as independent investigators. The New Innovators are considered to be among the best and brightest newcomers to PI-dom and each receive a bio […]

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Evan Macosko has been named a top inventor in the MIT Technology Review’s “35 Innovators Under 35” for his work on inventing Drop-seq. Evan’s Drop-seq technology, which he developed during his postdoctoral research in the McCarroll lab, makes it possible to analyze gene expression in thousands of individual cells simultaneously. […]

TP53 Mutations in Stem Cells
Articles by Stat News and GEN on our discovery (together with Kevin Eggan’s lab) that pluripotent stem cells routinely acquire dominant-negative mutations in the 怎样可伡上国外网站 gene. Florian Merkle and Sulagna (Dia) Ghosh led the research team.
Steve at the Music Festival for Brain Health
Steve’s keynote talk at the 22nd Music Festival for Brain Health, on the human genome’s impact on brain health and illness.

Steve McCarroll, Beth Stevens, and Mike Carroll win the NAMI Award
NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is an organization dedicated to building better lives for Americans affected by mental illness. Each year, it awards scientists who have inspired hope through their research. This year (2016), Steve McCarroll, Beth Stevens, and Mike Carroll were presented with the award at the […]

Arpiar Saunders receives a Helen Hay Whitney Fellowship.
Arpy Saunders has received a three-year post-doctoral fellowship from the Helen Hay Whitney Foundation (HHW), marking another step on his scientific journey that started in a cabin in the New Hampshire woods. Having grown up there, it is no surprise that, before coming to our lab, he studied outdoorsy science […]

Matt Baum publishes his book, ‘The Neuroethics of Biomarkers’.
Matt Baum (a student in the lab) has written a book, published by Oxford University Press and available through Amazon, on the challenges and controversies involved in using disease biomarkers to evaluate patients, judge criminals, and make moral decisions. The book shines in its plethora of practical, thought-provoking examples and […]

Steve interviewed on the PBS New Hour
Steve interviewed on the 怎么连接外国网络软件 on C4 and schizophrenia.

Our Evan Macosko has published his work on Drop-seq, a technology we developed to enable massively parallel analysis of RNA expression in thousands of individual cells. For additional information, please check out: A 怎么连接外国网站 video abstract; An article in the Atlantic; An article by NIH Director Francis Collins; An article by NIMH Director Tom Insel; An article Professor Samantha Morris

Cells and alleles in droplets
Two new papers from the McCarroll lab describe ways of using nanoliter droplets to answer questions in genetics and biology. Droplets provide a way of scaling molecular biological reactions across tens of thousands of tiny reaction compartments. In Drop-phase, Jack Regan, Nolan Kamitaki and colleagues describe a way to quickly […]

In the blood, DNA changes anticipate future cancer
A common, pre-cancerous state can precede cancer by many years and is readily detectable by DNA sequencing, according to a new paper by Giulio Genovese and colleagues in the New England Journal of Medicine.

DNA replication varies among humans
A process as fundamental as replication of a genome varies from person – shaped by common, inherited genetic variation that can also affect risk of cancer. The work is described in a new paper by Amnon Koren and colleagues in Cell.

Investigations into DNA Replication Timing
Amnon Koren has published three papers centered around his work on DNA replication timing. He described a new way to study DNA replication by using increasingly abundant whole genome sequence data, which he found contained signatures of DNA replication processes that were active in cells at the moment DNA was extracted from them. For more information, please check out: Amnon Koren’s papers (1 2 3); News and Views article by Jay Shendure in Cell; HMS video describing the discovery

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Macosko will continue his work to develop “Drop-Seq”, a technology for profiling gene expression in thousands of single cells at once.